Javier Díaz Noci’s Cyberjournalism

My name is Javier Díaz Noci. Currently teaching at the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. Previously, I have been professor at the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao), and I have been visiting scholar at the universities of Oxford (1998-1999) and Federal of Bahia, Brazil (2005 and 2008). I coordinate, with professor Marcos Palacios, from the Group of Research on Online Journalism (Grupo de Jornalismo Online, GJOL) of the University Federal of Bahia (UFBA) a research network Brazil-Spain that is conducting a comparative study of 14 online daily journals.

I have been conducting, and I am already member,of a couple of research groups: one in Bilbao, the Ike Research Group, and a Spanish Group funded by the Ministery of Education, called Infotendencias

My main research interest is hypertext and narratology of online news, but I do work in some other things; being PhD in History and MLL in Law, I am very interested in both history of journalism (especially online journalism history -yes, it is possible- and, well, the history of the very first journalism and gazettes of the 16th century) and in authors’ rights and intellectual property in online journalism. If interested, you can find some articles in my own webpage.

Why beginning this weblog and why this name (CyberJournalism)? I try to explain it in the next post.

7 Responses to Javier Díaz Noci’s Cyberjournalism

  1. […] Javier Díaz Noci, profesor da a href=”http://www.upf.es/”>Universidad Pompeu Fabra, vén de estrear un novo blog en inglés sobre ciberxornalismo. […]

  2. […] (click the link to go directly to the ICC website; click the image above to read Javier Díaz Noci’s post on the event).”I don’t get it,” you say.  “What the heck is […]

  3. […] (click the link to go directly to the ICC website; click the image above to read Javier Díaz Noci’s post on the […]

  4. […] día a queremos hacer referencia al blog Cyberjournalism, del profesor Javier Díaz Noci. Esta una de las voces más autorizadas y claras sobre el tema del […]

  5. […] identificar diferentes estrategias de transmediatización? – ¿Por que no extender, como propuso Javier Díaz Noci en la última eWeek, los modelos narratológicos al género periodístico? También en la […]

  6. […] profesional de la información ha ampliado su Consejo Asesor con la incorporación de Javier Díaz Noci de la Universitat Pompeu i Fabra y Pere Masip de la Universitat Ramon Llull […]

  7. […] tempo que não seja real?” Há uns cinco anos ouvi esta pergunta de um professor basco que ministrou uma oficina quando eu estava no fim de minha graduação. Não é novidade que a […]

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