Online journalism in Argentina: research book

October 28, 2009


  A research group from the National University of Comahue, in the Argentinian Patagonia, has launched a new book on online journalism. Dr Alejandro Rost, who wrote his doctoral thesis on interactivity (La interactividad en el periódico digital [Interactivity in digital newspapers, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, 2006), has participated in this book about hypertext, multimedia, participation and interactivity in Argentinian online media. The new book is entitled Periodismo digital en la Argentina [Online Journalism in Argentina].

Some other researchers of Comahue University, a research group conducted by professor Juan Carlos Bergonzi, have written the chapters of this book. It is the first time that a research group in Argentina makes such an empirical research on this subject. The book shows a complete landscape of online journalism in one of the greatest Latin American countries. Chapters include:

Argentina, the digital way (Juan Carlos Bergonzi)

Society and the Net (Juan Carlos Bergonzi)

On the Web, paper format. Digital newspapers in inner Argentina (María Teresa Bernardi, Fabián Bergero)

Trying to take off from paper. Ten years of Río Negro online (Alejandro Rost, Viviana García)

Hiperlinks and participation in Río Negro online (Alejandro Rost. Viviana García)

How do users navigate in online news websites (Alejandro Rost, María Emilia Pugni Reta, Ezequiel Apesteguía)

Complete reference:

 BERGONZI, Juan Carlos, Alejandro ROST, Fabián BERGERO, María Teresa BERNARDI, Viviana GARCÍA y María Emilia PUGNI RETA.
Periodismo digital en la Argentina. Diseño, interactividad, hipertexto y multimedialidad en sitios de noticias. General Roca: Publifadecs, 2008.

The impact of recession on European media

September 21, 2009

edjsA recent study titled European Digital Journalism Study, based on a survey done amongst 350 journalist of seven European countries reveals the enormous impact that the recessions has had on the media -specially on advertising. The study shows also the pressure the journalists are living to adapt themselves to an ever growing channel abundance -Twitter mentioned as an example: 62% of the British journalists use it, and only 12% of the Spanish ones. Exclusive have become more important, that is the opinion of 41,25% of the journalists asked.

The survey, carried on for the second year by a communication agencies alliance (Oriella PR Network), remarks how the PROs need to think like journalists and see the Internet as a challenge for journalism.

The study has been compared to another one carried out by a team of the University of Leipzig conducted by professor Ansgar Zerfass. “Journalism in Europe is facing turbulent times” -says professor Zerfass-, journalist predict “a sharp decline of printed media” and 75% of them think they will be forced to adopt new routines. More than 58% of the journalists who have answer to the European Digital Journalism Study think that the number of printed media will shrink dramatically, almost 55% of them think that the editorial quality will erode because of the lak of resources, and, at the same time, 52,26% of the journalists of the UK, Belgium, Spain, Sweden think that “online media are still far from being profitable business models”

“It is time to change the mindset”, concludes professor Ansgar Zerfass.

Un nuevo adelante de Google

September 16, 2009

Google no renuncia a ofrecer noticias digitales extraídas de otros medios, a los que remite mediante hiperenlaces. El servicio Google News, que ha causado quejas de diversos diarios de todo el mundo -en Bélgica presentaron una demanda-, y cuyas ventajas han tratado de explicar, se completa a partir de hoy con un servicio de momento experimental: Fast Flip.

La noticia la dio ayer el fundador de Google News, Khrishna Barat. El servicio captura imágenes de diversos sitios web informativos y permite a los usuarios “hojearlas”, así como seguir personas o temas concretos. Varios medios de referencia -todos ellos, de momento, en inglés- pueden consultarse en este servicio. Entre ellos, por ejemplo, el Washington Post, BBC News y The New York Times. 

Fast Flio cuenta también con una versión para dospositivos móviles, que funciona tanto en iPhone como en aquellos teléfonos que cuenten con el sistema operativo de Google, Android.

Spanish internauts don’t wanna pay: the case of

September 14, 2009
el_pais_no_pagarSeptember 11th, 2009: one of the most important digital newspapers in Spain,, asks their readers/internauts whether they would agree to pay for “quality contents”. September 14th, 2009, three days later, the answer is a clear “no”. The survey says that just 12% of the readers agree with the proposal, and 86% don’t want to pay for the journalistc contents of the newspaper, even though if they are “quality contents” (are not quality contents all the news offered by the newspaper and its website?).
This kind of surveys (journalism professor always insists on it in the classroom) are not scientific at all. But they can be meaningful, at least.
By the way, what do readers and newspapers (i.e., consider “quality contents”?

Call for Papers

June 18, 2009

Call for papers to be presented in the I International Congress of Online Journalism and Web 2.0: “The Revolution of Citizen Journalism”, which will be held in Bilbao from November 11th to 13th 2009, is now open.

All the proposals must be presented to one of the thematic sections of the Congress, adapted to the style norms of the Congress.

The proposals for papers must be sent to

All of the accepted papers will be published in the Congress proceedings.

The dates related to the conference to remember are as follows:

May 15th 2009
The period for presenting proposals for papers opens.

August 31st 2009
The period for sending accepted papers closes.

September 1st 2009
The period of inscription opens, both for participants with an accepted paper (reserve of 1 inscription per paper) and for all those interested.

November 6th 2009
End of inscription for speakers and panel-members.

November 11th 2009
Start of Congress.

More information at the website of the Congress.

International Congress on Cyberjournalism to be held in Bilbao

May 15, 2009


During three days in November, an International Congress on Cyberjournalism and Web 2.0 will be held in Bilbao (Spain), organised by Dr Koldo Meso (University of the Basque Country). “The revolution of the citizen journalism” will be the main subject of this First Congress. During those three days (November 2009, 11, 12 and 13)  some of the most recognised scholars working on cyberjournalism and convergence in Portugal, Brazil and Spain will take part in this event. Marcos Palacios (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil) will open the congress explaining the relation between convergence and memory. Convergence, compensation and authors’ rights will be the subject of the second paper. The new media and the convergence of newsroom will be the third conference’s subject, by Dr Ramon Salaverría (University of Navarre). Dr Salaverria is the author of Integrated Journalism, a new book on newsroom convergence (to be published in English as well, soon).

During the second day, Prof António Fidalgo (University of Beira Interior, Portugal) will talk about convergence, webjournalism and mobile phones. Dr Koldo Meso will expos his research on journalists’ blogs in the Spanish reference dailies, and  Dr Bella Palomo (University of Málaga, Spain), will intervene on Administration 2.0: application of the social web in public institutions. Dr Pere Masip will speak on multimedia contents and convergence, during his conference time entitled “Under construction”.

Four more conference will be offered during the third day: Prof Xosé López (University of Santiago de Compostela Spain) will explain the tools of citizen journalism and the Web 2.0. Dr Elias Machado (University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) will explain his research on databases in cyberjournalism. Political campaigns and the use of the Web 2.0 will be the subject analysed by Dr Guillermo López (University of Valencia, Spain), especially centered on 2008 Spanish campaign. Finally, Dr Andrés Casero (University Jaume I, Castellò, Spain) will close the congress with a conference entitled “Revolution in the public sphere: how citizen journalism transforms politics”.

Papers will be accepted as well. Soon, in the Congress’ website a formulary will be accesible to those interested in sending a paper in any of the culture languages of the scholarly community, especially English, Portuguese, Spanish or any one of the Latinate languages.

Proposals must be sent to , from 15th May 2009 to 31st August 2009.

It’s April Fools, guys!

April 1, 2009

Maybe it will be true in a (near) future. Maybe everything can be explained in just 140 words in some Twitter format, and maybe some daily journals are considering to do some movements towards these new newswriting formats but…


…today it is April Fools, and The Guardian published… a joke. Anyway, some other media took it seriously.


One thing it is true: when you are doing journalism -needless to say, in print, audiovisual or on the Internet- it is not just reproduce information as quickly as possible: you always need to confirm information.

Otherwise… oooooops!!! You’ll have to reconsider your news…


Online Journalism: Research Methods

March 3, 2009


As a continuation of the book in Spanish and Portuguese languages, a new (electronic) book has been recently launched: Online journalism: research methods. A multidisciplinary approach in comparative perspective. In this book, more than 40 researchers from Spain and Brazil have taken part, to offer an extract of the research methods they have used in the last ten years.

The chapters are:

1. Typology of online media

2. Genres in online jorunalism: a typological proposal

3. News and database architecture

4. Research methodologies in journalism design on the Internet

5. Narrativity

6. Methods of researching participatory journalism

7. Production routines

8. Media convergence

9. Teaching online journalism and its evaluation


The book has been published in Spanish as well.


Palacios, Marcos; Díaz Noci, Javier (eds.). Online journalism: research methods. A multidisciplinary approach in comparative perspective. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. ISBN 978-84-9860-191-6


Palacios, Marcos; Díaz Noci, Javier (eds.). Ciberperiodismo: métodos de investigación. Una aproximación multidisciplinar en perspectiva comparada. Bilbao: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco.


Online Newsgathering, by S. Quinn and S. Lamble

February 27, 2009

newsgathering1Stephen Quin and Stephen Lamble have published a book on  how the Internet is changing journalism The title is Online newsgathering. Research and reporting for journalism. In this book, the authors alaysed how technology is changing the journalists’ routines, how blog are and increasing tool for research and newsgathering, or how to find trustful information beyond Google.

The book analyses citizen-jorunalism and used-generated content, and wonders how to evaluate information quality. Finally, some chapters are dedicated to Computer-Assisted Reporting. The handbook gives as well a chapter which gathers useful websites and links for journalists.  


Quinn, Stephen; Lamble, Stephen. Online newsgathering. research and reporting for journalism. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-240-80851-2

Cyberjournalism in Venezuela

February 27, 2009

108_ciberperiodismo_ucab3Venezuela is one of the Spanish language countries where the studies about cyberjournalism are young but increasingly growing. The first academic meeting was in 2004, the I Forum of Online Journalism [I Foro de Periodismo Digital], organised by the Central University of Venezuela in Caracas. Some other academic events have taken place since then, and some books have been published as well, i.e. Miladys Rojano’s Diez años de periodismo digital en Venezuela , 1996-2006 [Ten years of online journalism in Venezuela, 1996-2006].

Now a new book is added to the bibliography on the subject in Latin America. Carlos Arcila  (University of Los Andes y Táchira) has coordinated a book entitled Comunicación digital y Ciberperiodismo. Nuevas prácticas de la comunicación en los entornos virtuales [Digital communication and Online Journalism. New practices in digital enviroments’ communication].

Structure of the book:

Prologue (Javier Díaz Noci)

Introduction (Carlos Argila)

Part I: Digital environments and communication

1. Digital communication (Carlos Argila)

2. Web 2.0: Definition and uses (Miladys Rojano)

Part II: Online journalism

3. Cyberjournalism, a post-journalism? (Jesús María Aguirre)

4. Cyberjournalism in the 21st century (Exequíades Chirinos)

5. Newsmaking. Creation of original contents (Carlos Argila)

6. The pyramid model. Non-lineal (Joyceleine Scarleth Urdaneta Castillo)

7. Design and construction of an online information service (Patricia Henríquez Coronell and Carmen Aidé Valecillos Vázquez)

Part III: The new journalist

8. The digital intellectual journalist: two images of change (Carlos Delgado Flórez)

9. Journalist’s behaviour in the networked society (Mabel Calderín)

10. Ethical training of journalists in the digital era: articulations and tensions (Fernando Villalobos G. and Marialejandra Montiel de Rodríguez).


Arcila, Carlos (Coord.). Comunicación digital y ciberperiodismo. Nuevas prácticas de la comunicación en los entornos virtuales [Digital communication and Online Journalism. New practices in digital enviroments’ communication]. Caracas: Universidad Andrés Bello, 2008. 236 p. ISBN: 978-980-244-551-6